That's our President!
I've heard several people reference this particular article, and felt it deserved a place here as a reminder of just how much of a hypocrit George Bush truly is.
This segment is pulled from Talk magazine's September 1999 article written by Tucker Carlson.
Now, Karla Faye Tucker never said those exact words. Tucker Carlson mentions later that the Larry King-Karla Faye Tucker exchange actually didn't happen. What she did do was:
And this article is written by a former CNN Crossfire co-host and right-wing conservative pundit who was the Sancho to Robert Novak's Don Quixote (You know him, even if you don't realize it. He's the man who revealed a CIA operative in print and has yet to face any repercussions for it.)"...imply that Bush was succumbing to election-year pressure from pro-death penalty voters. Apparently Bush never forgot it. He has a long memory for slights.
"Which is part of the problem with Bush's presentation of himself as a man so "comfortable in my soul" that he hardly cares whether he wins or loses. Anyone who has reached the Zen-master level of self-acceptance he describes would be unaffected by ordinary criticism. It's still pretty easy to get a rise out of Bush."
For a President who is supposedly so obsessed with life, let me present a little refresher course on his track record. Of course, the awful irony is that while he and his cronies scramble for recognition by religious zealots over this one case, no numbers have yet to come out as to how many cognizant people will be hurt and could even die under Bush's brutal cuts to Medicare, the safety net of health care programs, which will hurt the most vulnerable in our country—seniors in nursing homes, poor children, and those most in need of catastrophic care.
This doesn't even scratch the surface, though, of the men and women in uniform he's maimed and killed with his unnecessary war in Iraq. Not to mention the innocent people he's held in custody unlawfully and sanctioned torture against. *tsk tsk* That's not very Christian, is it?
In the realm of those who are truly doing God's will, and those who would likely have crucified Jesus, I hereby put George W. Bush at the top of the later list. He is a classic example of a man who claims his being religious makes him a moral man, when in reality it is used as a shield to hide the ugliness underneath.