Friday, March 11, 2005

Logan 5 and Jessica 6 joined President Bush at a townhall meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, to finally unveil the details of Bush’s plan to save Social Security. Under the new scheme, family members would begin receiving benefits when the primary provider reaches age 30.

I just had to bring this picture and the caption beneath it over. It was just too priceless not to share (although this dates me that I know the movie). If you want to see where I found it, scroll down this link and you will find it.

For those of you unfamiliar with who the two people are in the background, they are from Logan's Run, a 1976 sci-fi movie whose plot outline at imdb reads as follows:

"Life is pretty near perfect now, as long as you don't mind that nobody is allowed to live past the age of 30..."
'Nuff said. Have a great weekend!