Not So Shocking News
I'm putting this person's comments below because I feel they so beautifully summarize all that's currently wrong with the Republican party. They also succinctly explain just why Democrats are having as hard a time combatting the blatant corruption as they are. Truthfully, I'm honored to be a part of the party that cares about America and her citizens. However, while still being proud to be an American, I most certainly am ashamed of this administration.
"Each man must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, which course is patriotic and which isn't. You cannot shirk this and be a man. To decide against your conviction is to be an unqualified and excusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country, let men label you as they may." ~Mark Twain
Stop letting Fox news tell you what the issues are, and start researching them for yourselves. It's your duty, as citizens, to seek out the truth and not blindly accept what you are told.
This is just a glimpse of another tendril of what we on the left refer to as VRWC, or Vast Right Wing Conspiracy. The breadth and depth of this amoral behavior goes straight to the crux of the neocon philosophy: there is no morality when fighting "enemies". The neocons view their cause as so overridingly just, so paramount to the salvation of the entire country, or the world, that any behavior becomes excusable.
This is "The Prince" writ large, and New Hampshire is only one small example. The pure evil that the neocon machines exhibit while blithely smashing any and every obstacle to their dominance should be a clarion call to all republicans, particularly honorable and moral conservatives, that they are sleeping with Satan and his minions, determined to loose as much misery on the planet as possible for the ultimate purpose of profit of a select few corporations that always profit from human misery, ever since they discovered this in the days leading up to World War Two.
That we cannot and will not fight back with our own brand of evil is at once our saving grace and our downfall. The left is happy with the moral high ground, but the result is that we end up prepared to play a spirited game of football while our enemies are preparing to kill us off in battle.
It's not about merely winning and gaining territory to these types, it's about complete elmination of the left's viewpoint from human thought by whatever means necessary. - by MikeHickerson on Jul 21, 2005 -- 01:45:31 PM EST
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