Friday, July 01, 2005

Sandra Day O'Connor

So there you have it. It's official. The battle for the Supreme Court is on. I'm posting this link now for quick and easy reference.

Now is not the time to stay on the sidelines. Rehnquist is next. If you give a damn for women's reproductive rights, you need to get involved and stay involved.

As I read in a post, and I heartily agree with: "I'm too busy" doesn't fly.

It's Game On, ladies and gentlemen. The other guys have been making their voices heard, above our own, for entirely too long. It's time we show them we care just as much, and that we won't give up our freedoms without a fight.

It used to be America stood for freedom of religion. In these dark times, it's time to also add "Freedom FROM Religion" to the roster. A woman's right to choose is not religious, it's personal.