Thursday, December 16, 2004

Gotta love Josh Marshall

Holy wow. That man is relentless when his curiousity is piqued. As the sordid details of Bernard Kerik's life continue to become public, more and more questions pop up. As Josh continues to investigate, I can't help but wonder, was no vetting done at all? I would like to think the White House investigates people's background a little before putting them in positions of incredible power, especially as Secretary of Homeland Security.

It's something to keep in mind, especially when considering Bush is having his "Conference for the Economy" today. Just who are his guests, and is single mother Sandy Jacques from Iowa really just your average American looking for some better answers? To find out about Bush's panel of guests, read this.

But on a separate note, Josh has set his eye on looking into just what privatization of Social Security means, and better how to prepare for the upcoming fight ahead. It's worth the read.