Monday, December 13, 2004

Hitler was Christian, too

On April 20, 1939, Orsenigo celebrated Hitler's birthday. The celebrations, initiated by Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) became a tradition. Each April 20, Cardinal Bertram of Berlin was to send "warmest congratulations to the Fuhrer in the name of the bishops and the dioceses in Germany with "fervent prayers which the Catholics of Germany are sending to heaven on their altars." - (Source: Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII, by John Cornwell)

"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord," Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf

"Many of those people involved with Adolph Hitler were Satanists, many of them were homosexuals--the two things seem to go together."--Pat Robertson, "The 700 Club," 1/21/93

Religious Fundamentalists bristle at being compared to Hitler, and rightfully so. His reign of inhumanity is one of the darkest periods in recent history, and oftentimes I myself have wondered: How could this have happened? How could an entire nation consent to genocide?

“God is With Us”: Hitler’s Rhetoric and the Lure of “Moral Values”

As it turns out, it is a slippery slope, and just as the woman who is abused by her husband says that it did not start that way, that it was a series of little things that simply escalated, so too do Germans who lived during those times make an effort to describe how it began, and how it could have evolved into what it ultimately became – a descent into barbarity and inhumanity. Below is a frighteningly real account into how such a thing could have happened. Is it happening again today?

They Thought They Were Free by Milton Mayer

Below is a link to quotes of things Hitler has said. Compare what you read to things you’ve heard, not just from Bush, although he is certainly at the top of the list, but from ardent and vocal supporters of Bush. Hitler’s words sound eerily familiar.

The Christianity of Hitler revealed in his speeches and proclamations

"I don't know that atheists should be considered citizens, nor should they be considered patriots. This is one nation under God."-- George Bush

Remain strong in your faith, as you were in former years. In this faith, in its close-knit unity our people to-day goes straight forward on its way and no power on earth will avail to stop it.” -Adolf Hitler, in a speech at Coburg on 15 Oct. 1937

"I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good...Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism."--Randall Terry, Founder of Operation Rescue, The News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 8-16-93

“I will never allow anyone to divide this people once more into religious camps, each fighting the other.... You, my Brown Guard, will regard it as a matter of course that this German people should go only by the way which Providence ordained for it when it gave to Germans the common language. So we go forward with the profoundest faith in God into the future. Would that which we have achieved have been possible if Providence had not helped us?” -Adolf Hitler, in a speech at Regensburg on 6 June 1937

"God told me to strike at al Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam [Hussein], which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them." --Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Abu Mazen quoting Bush when they met in Aqaba; reported in The Haaretz Reporter by Arnon Regular

In this hour I would ask of the Lord God only this: that, as in the past, so in the years to come He would give His blessing to our work and our action, to our judgement and our resolution, that He will safeguard us from all false pride and from all cowardly servility, that He may grant us to find the straight path which His Providence has ordained for the German people, and that He may ever give us the courage to do the right, never to falter, never to yield before any violence, before any danger.... I am convinced that men who are created by God should live in accordance with the will of the Almighty.... If Providence had not guided us I could often never have found these dizzy paths.... Thus it is that we National Socialists, too, have in the depths of our hearts our faith. We cannot do otherwise: no man can fashion world-history or the history of peoples unless upon his purpose and his powers there rests the blessings of this Providence.” -Adolf Hitler, in a speech at Wurzburg on 27 June 1937

Want a more in-depth look at the similarities between Bush and Hitler?

Gott mit uns: On Bush and Hitler’s rhetoric

Hitler was not an Atheist

It truly is a slippery slope. We're not there yet, but all of this hatred against homosexuals, intellectuals, and anyone non-religious is certainly the beginning. For a party devoted to 'moral values', its' rhetoric is far more hate filled than makes this progressive comfortable.